The Arizona Hit & Run Accident Law Firm
Arizona Hit & Run Accident Lawyer
An Arizona hit and run accident lawyer can help you navigate the aftermath of a hit and run. After a car accident, those involved have an obligation to remain at the accident scene, render medical aid, and exchange information. When a person fails to do so and instead leaves the accident scene, that person can face serious civil and criminal penalties.
This is called a hit and run crash and it is punishable under Arizona law. Depending on the severity of the accident, a person can face misdemeanor or felony charges. As a victim, you need to understand your rights. You may think that you might not be able to recover compensation because the other party left the accident scene. However, this is not always the case. You could actually receive much more money than you think for your damages. If you do not know the law, you will not get the maximum amount.
Therefore, it is not in your best interest to settle your personal injury case with the insurance company. They are not looking out for your best interests. If you have been involved in a hit and run accident in Arizona, you need to contact an Arizona hit and run accident lawyer right away. The hit and run accident lawyers in Arizona at Slack-Méndez Law Firm will thoroughly assess your case and insurance policy so you get the compensation you deserve.
Punitive Damages
In cases in which a driver is at-fault for egregious behavior, such as crashing into someone and fleeing the scene of the hit and run accident, courts have routinely awarded punitive damages. The purpose of punitive damages is to punish a defendant for egregious behavior, and attempting to flee the scene of a car accident is considered egregious. Under the law, a driver who fails to stop, render medical assistance to an injured person, and exchange personal information is committing a crime. These would be considered aggravating circumstances and would authorize a recovery of punitive damage for the victim.
Punitive damages are put in place to punish or deter the at-fault party from engaging in the same conduct in the future. If that person has an insurance policy that covers these acts, you may be entitled to a higher-than-normal settlement.
Courts have found that, not only are they authorized to assess punitive damages for hit-and-run drivers, this conduct alone is sufficient to show aggravated circumstances so as to permit the jury to consider the imposition of punitive damages for such culpable conduct.
Seek Help from the Experienced Arizona Hit and Run Accident Law Firm
Being involved in a hit and run accident can seem like a scary situation, but know that with the right legal help from our Arizona hit and run lawyers, you can maximize your compensation. Make sure you receive the compensation you deserve for damages such as:
Medical bills
Future medical bills
Lost wages
Pain and suffering
Loss of consortium
Travel expenses
The Arizona hit and run accident lawyers at Slack-Méndez Law Firm have experience with these types of cases. We have a high success rate and excellent reviews from our many satisfied clients. At Slack-Méndez Law Firm, we handle your case and get you the compensation you need to recover and move on. If you were injured in a hit & run in Arizona, call 480-829-1166 or fill out the form at the bottom of this page to schedule an appointment.